Wonderful woodblock print made by the artist Utagawa Hiroshige (歌川広重) to celebrate the restoration of the pagoda of the Kinryuzan Sensoji Temple (金龍山浅草寺), damaged by the strong earthquake that struck the city of Edo (江戸) in 1855. Very skillful the chromatic selection made by the artist who, with the white of the snow and the red of the buildings and of the large lantern, emphasizes the celebratory mood of the work, by using the auspicious color scheme of the Japanese tradition.
The print, one of the most iconic images from the series “One Hundred Famous Views of Edo” (名所江戸百景), is entitled “Kinryuzan Temple at Asakusa” (浅草金龍山) and was printed for the first time in July 1856 by the publisher Uoya Eikichi (魚屋栄吉).
The woodblock print is presented here in a 2019 fine re-edition on Japanese washi paper (和紙) made, as we read in the seal on the back, by the prestigious Takamizawa Mokuhansha (高見沢木版社) in Tokyo and is in very good condition.