Elegant original woodblock print made by the artist Utagawa Hiroshige III (三代目歌川広重) and depicting two geisha (芸者) from the Shinbashi (新橋) district in the foreground. The two women, whose names are Tamahachi (玉八) and Kichiji (吉次), are portrayed in the splendid setting of the famous plum garden, owned by the wealthy merchant Iseya Hikoemon (伊勢屋彦右衛門), which was located at Kameido (亀井戸), in today’s Koto Ward (江東区) of Tokyo.
The work, produced in November 1881 by the publisher Fujiokaya Keijiro (藤岡屋慶次郎), owner of Shorindo (松林堂), is taken from the series “Collection of Beauties at Famous Places in Tokyo” (東京名所美人揃) and is entitled “Visiting Myogi Shrine and Plum Garden at Kameido” (亀井戸の妙義参り梅やしき).
The print on Japanese washi paper (和紙), despite the right signs of aging and the presence of small holes, is in overall good condition.