Compelling original woodblock print by the artist Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (月岡芳年) depicting a giant “earth spider” tsuchigumo (土蜘蛛) transferring magical powers to Prince Kurokumo (黒雲皇子) to help him plot revenge on his enemy, the famous warrior Minamoto no Yorimitsu (源頼光), also known as Raiko (らいこう).
The work, taken from the series “Sagas of Beauty and Bravery” (美勇水滸伝), was made in April 1867 by the publisher Omiya Kyujiro (近江屋久次郎), owner of Kiyudo (亀遊堂), and by the engraver Watanabe Eizo (渡辺栄蔵).
The print on Japanese washi paper (和紙), despite right signs of aging and small restorations, is in good condition.